The Historical Background
The proposal for establishing a Legal Aid Bureau.

Received a letter written by an 'Orthopaedic Almoner' stationed at Kuala Lumpur General Hospital, requesting that free legal advice be provided to patients suffering from serious 'residual disabilities' who may be entitled to compensation if legally represented.
Women’s organizations are also urging the Government to take action to assist women and their children in maintenance claims against their husbands and for child custody.
Legal advice and assistance are currently limited to:
Government employees involved in legal proceedings related to official duties (through the Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations (General Orders Chapter 'D') 1969).
The indigent, under 'forma pauperis' (through the Supreme Court Rules 1957).
Individuals accused of criminal offenses involving the death penalty (through the Criminal Procedure Code)
Oktober 1969
This matter was referred to the Attorney General, who supported the recommendation. It was then referred to the Ministry of Justice, which subsequently sought advice from the Bar Council, which also endorsed the proposed scheme. A committee was established to study this matter.
Oktober 1969
September 1970

A pilot project was launched to provide legal aid advisory services only. A total of RM100,000 was allocated for this purpose. Due to limited funds, it was necessary to restrict the scope of this scheme to certain proceedings only.
Priority was given to family cases identified as needing urgent assistance, such as maintenance claims, enforcement of maintenance orders, and similar matters.
September 1970
The Legal Aid Bureau was established.
September 1970
The Bureau was placed under the Attorney General's Department.
Mei 1995
When the Ministry of Law was established, the Bureau was placed under the Ministry of Law.
Mei 1995
Jun 1995
Placed under the Legal Affairs Division, Prime Minister's Department.
16 Januari 2010
The name of the Legal Aid Bureau was changed to the Legal Aid Department.
16 Januari 2010